Efesan Group, offers university students and vocational high school students the opportunity for internship with the aim of training in every field including, human resources which it needs for service industries.
Internship for High School Students:
In Efesan Group, internship applications by vocational high school students are accepted in the summer period and the internships are done in the school year between September and June. With the “Intern Request Form” filled out by departments, the number of requested interns, their area of profession and their internship days are determined. The internship period is started when the related schools deliver the vocational training agreements of the students to the Department of Human Resources at the first week of the school year in September at the latest.
Internship for University Students:
The internship periods for university students are determined and announced by the Human Resources Group Directorate, depending on the end of the school year of universities and colleges. The students, which want to do internship in our companies and deliver the document that indicates their internship obligation, fill out the “Application Form”. The application forms are classified according to the internship/department preferences of the students. With the “Intern Request Form” filled out by departments, the number of requested interns, their qualifications and the internship periods are determined. The departments decide among the applications depending on the scope of the project-based works to which the intern will be assigned. The internship period is between the months of June and September and the interns start at the determined internship starting date.